Diabetes commonly known as blood sugar is a disease which impaired the ability to produce insulin in the body. Thus, it results in the elevation of glucose levels and carbohydrates metabolism in the urine and blood.

Insulin is important as it produced by the pancreas and helps the food to break down and gets absorbed by the cells of the body as energy. Thus, it is necessary to visit diabetologist in Delhi if you find any symptoms of diabetes in your body.

The different types of diabetes

There are different types of diabetes. It is classified according to the effectiveness of diabetes in the human body. Accordingly, there are five types of diabetes. They are- Cystic Fibrosis-related Diabetes, Monogenic Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, and Type 1 Diabetes.Among them, Type 2 diabetes is the common type and can emerge in your body at any age.

The causes of Type 2 diabetes

There are some factors and causes which helps the disease to grow in the body.  As Type 2 Diabetes is the most common, there are numerous causes of it to present in the body. The main causes are genetic inheritance and family history, insulin resistance, physical inactivity, obesity, and overweight.

Among these, insulin resistance and obesity are proved to help in its production. Sometimes, insulin loses its ability to help the glucose cells. This leads to the lack of insulin in the body and hence Type 2 diabetes occurs in the body. In such cases, you should visit the best diabetologist in Noida for proper treatment.

The triggers of the Type 2 diabetes

It can be caused by many factors. But, when you visit a diabetologist in Noida, the specialist will provide you with detailed information about the risk factors also known as its triggers.

Some of the high-risk factors of this disease are the polycystic ovarian syndrome, Gestational Diabetes, Prediabetes, Age, genetic inheritance, fat distribution, and others. Weight and inactivity should also be included in the list.

The symptoms of Type 2 diabetes

Generally, the symptoms and signs of this disease began to develop in the body gradually. Thus, it will take some time for you to notice the symptoms in the body. The basic symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are darkened skin, frequent infections, sores will take time to heal completely, fatigue, blurred vision, weight loss, frequent urination, and increased hunger and thirst.

If you find any of the symptoms in your body you must consult with the best diabetologist in Noida. This is because it can associate with other complications too like kidney damage, skin infection, eye and foot damage, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and nerve damage.


Thank you for reading this.

Dr. Sandeep Gupta

Director, Welltopia
